Hi there! I hope www.ayzad.com’s auto-posts kept you company enough during my short vacation. Returning home I found way more news waiting than I can ever hope to research and relay in time to keep up with the ever-increasing flow of events from the world of unusual sex. One I just couldn’t pass up is however an unsettling sign of the times. In fact, it concerns the millions of wage slaves worldwide. If you are unemployed or stuck with a dead-end job… why not to become an affluent sex toys designer?
Lovehoney, the British adult business conglomerate that’s popping up over and over in the news, has launched another edition of its Design a sex toy competition, with a meager £1,000 prize for each of the ‘for men’, ‘for women’ and ‘for couples’ categories… yet promising a much more substantial royalties program.
The winner of last year’s edition, Trevor Murphy from Dublin, was a self-described struggling artist who apparently was able to start a new and happy life with the hundred-grand pounds earned with his Sqweel – a rather strange oral sex simulator that was promptly cloned and enhanced by the always weirder Japanese sex industry. If you dare to follow in his steps, you have until September 16th to submit your designs through the official contest website. Your idea will be judged by a bunch of industry insiders – and by 50 shades of Grey author E.L. James, who sounds just like the worst person in the world to hold this position, at least until you remember she managed to tap the hidden wishes of countless housewives everywhere.
Ready to design? Come on, the world needs a sex toy designed by a reader of this website!