They don’t look exactly like the one in the photo, but nipple tattoos are apparently the latest idiotic fad pushed by the greedy cosmetic surgery industry on insecure women. Let me explain.
Intimate surgery for supposedly cosmetic reasons is the fastest growing market in the field of aesthetic medicine. It started about ten years ago with “vaginal rejuvenation”, which is an euphemism for trimming the labia minora and sculpting the outer lips until the vulva looks like a newborn’s slit; why this should be appealing to anyone is a mistery, but a whole industry of shame has grown around the concept, convincing many women they have an alleged deformity to be corrected. 2010 data say at least 5,200 such surgeries were performed officially, over 2,100 of them in the United States alone. The kicker? About 40% of the patients (obviously) report scarring, less sensation, pain or a complete inability to have sex after the surgery. Estimates however give a 20% yearly increase in the diffusion of “female designer genitals”.
Next came the turn of “anal bleaching”, which essentially consist of putting acid right where you are thinking of – because hey, what can be sexier than chemical burn ass-vitiligo? Then the same, but elsewhere, with “vaginal whitening”.

Please note that none of these procedures are considered a freaky body modification fixation. They are marketed as perfectly normal, or even indispensable, for every self-conscious girl. But what about the nipples? According to British newspaper The telegraph in 2013 natural female nipples are considered hideous unless they are large and «perfectly defined» – or, in other words, tattooed on.
As a matter of fact, cosmetic nipple tattoos are nothing new: they are commonly used in reconstructive surgery, in example after a mastectomy. But surely there is no “beauty standard” for nipples, and I can assure my female readers that never in my colorful life I’ve heard of someone rejected or just disliked for the definition of her areolas.
I could keep ranting forever against culturally-induced dismorphism obsessions, but it just boils down to: no, you don’t need anything of those stuff. They are useless, expensive and dangerous. But if you are really interested in body modification, next time you are in a bookstore try peeking at the chapter about it in my BDSM – A guide for extreme eroticism explorers. You might discover there are much more interesting ways of messing with your body – some of them actually useful to enhance your erotic life.