What do you think if I mention the words ‘porn literacy’?
Well, so you are obviously filthier than doctor Marty Klein, a sex therapist from California who was recently on tour with a conference much less provocative than its title suggests. You can read about his ideas in this article – and you should, because they deal with the very serious topic of preparing your children to their inevitable encounter with porn. Please, click now: I’ll be waiting for you right here.
So. As sensible as Klein is, I would like to invite you to take his stance simply as a first step toward a broader question. Namely, are we sure that the problem is limited to our kids? Let me give you a few rough data:
- Globally, less than 15% of schools have a proper sexual education program, including social, ethical and psychological aspects beyond the mere reproductive technicalities.
- The average child gets his first cell phone at about 11. Most of them are now Internet-enabled smartphones, and the vast majority of kids use them without supervision. By the way: one fifth of the Web is composed of adult sites.
- In the United States, nine girls in ten obtain their “sex ed” from magazines (hello,Cosmo!) grossly misrepresenting the reality of sex and healthy relationships.
- Violent porn has been the fastest growing genre for the last three years. And I’m not talking about proper, sensible BDSM stuff: producers agre that simulated rape and racist abuse (black men on white women, mostly) are the two top sellers.
- In industrialized countries, crab lice cases have fallen by 80% since the Nineties.
No, the last item is not a typo. Pubic lice are disappearing and risking extinction because almost everyone is shaving their genitals – just like they do in porn.
In other words: everybody watches adult videos, they are starting sooner and sooner, most people take it as a literal example, and this is not good.
Not because «porn leads to crime». That’s bullshit, as thirty years of worldwide studies agree: ease of access to pornography in fact is directly correlated to the decrease of violent sexual crimes. The problem is of a whole different nature.
The real issue here is that, generally speaking, the world’s young adults are the first generation of people who grew up with porn fantasies as their sole education about how they are supposed to treat their partners in the bedroom. Cindy Gallop, head of theMake love, not porn initiative nails it when she says that men (and women) in their twenties and thirties simply lack the concept of what a real intimate encounter – let alone a real relation – should be.
If this sounds bad, consider that the kids raised on stuff like White bitch gang rape pt.52are now starting to come of age. But that kind of “porn” is not about sex at all. It’s about the normalization of a gender and race war mindset, and we simply don’t know what the effect will be yet. If the brain processes it under the “erotic” category the bomb will defuse itself, but if the “self-image” aspect prevails, things could get ugly fast. In example, the recent news of collective sexual violences in India and in Egypt could have a tie to this.
The first signs of such a development are already visible in official data from the United States. Black men are increasingly raping black women, and white supremacists are playing the “interracial rape epidemics” card anyway to further their deranged goals.
So, if I say ‘porn literacy’ what are you thinking now?